Sunday, April 25, 2010


I was beginning to wonder if I would ever have anything more to blog about. I mean, with hiring George Allen’s son, bringing on board Mike Shanahan, letting go a lot of useless over the hill types – one could actually get the sense that something new was taking place in the front office, that Danny Boy had seen the light, and was now actually committed to the long term process known as rebuilding a team, step by step, using draft picks wisely, trading aging veterans for low draft picks – which brings us to Donovan McNabb. That’s just what Andy Reid and the Eagles (who know McNabb better than anyone else) have done – trade an aging veteran for low draft picks. So, who’s rebuilding? And who better for the Eagles to peddle McNabb to? Danny “The Future is Now” Snyder. So, thank you Danny, for giving me some grist for the mill.

You have to ask yourself: why would Philadelphia, a wildly successful playoff team (compared to the Redskins) peddle McNabb to a division rival? Because McNabb would lead the Redskins back into playoff contention? Because McNabb was in the peak of his career and had at least 3 good, maybe great, years left? Because he would help the Redskins beat the Eagles twice during the season? No. It was because no one else wanted McNabb, except Danny “Over the Hill Gang” Snyder.

There hasn’t been this much excitement around here since, well, since Danny Boy signed Albert “I don’t do that practice shit” Haynesworth for $100+ million. Well, actually, if I think back, there may have been this much excitement when Danny Boy signed Jeff “I have a shotgun arm – but no aim” George.

Let’s face it. It appears that Danny Boy is hard-wired to seek instant gratification, ignoring the fact that no long-term successful NFL team gets built this way. This is really business as usual: there is a long list of hot free agents and veterans the Redskins have picked up in the offseason, year after year, to raise the hopes of fans (and sell more tickets), only to be dashed when the overpaid players are too busy clipping coupons rather than running and tackling on the field.

Successful NFL teams (e.g., the Colts, the Patriots, the Ravens, the Seahawks) understand the motivation/economics of winning: the more you pay, the less they play. That’s why the successful teams draft a lot of good college players, and play them right away. The new players are HUNGRY, not clipping coupons. They play hard so they will prove themselves and get a big contract. It only stands to reason that after Danny Boy whips out his checkbook for an “established” player, their motivation goes out the window. I mean, why the fuck should they play hard? They have enough money in the bank to dictate to the coaching staff when and where they will practice, and how much they will play. Enter stage left, Albert Haynesworth, smiling, and holding up his middle finger.

Let’s look at what just happened this week: the Patriots drafted 12 players. The Rams drafted 11 including Sam Bradford. The Panthers drafted 10, including Jimmy Clausen. And the Eagles, bless their McNabb-free and Snyder-rich hearts, drafted 13! The Redskins drafted 6. Who, exactly, is building for the future with hungry players who are motivated to play their guts out?

The true motivation for picking up McNabb appears to be to sell more Redskins jerseys. Not 24 hours went by after the trade was announced that the Redskins were selling No. 5 jerseys with McNabb’s name on the back, and he hadn’t thrown a single pass – he hadn’t even been introduced to the media. The hidden insult here is that the No. 5 jersey belonged to Curt Knight, a great placekicker for the 69-73 Skins.

Whatever hope the Redskins had of turning around this sorry franchise with some long term planning is out the window. Absolutely forget it. Let's sell more jerseys. Now.

p.s. Speaking of jerseys, I am NOT getting rid of my #17 jersey. I got it when Doug "let's watch that second quarter against the Broncos" Williams was QB, although unfortunately it does not have his name on the back. People see me and wonder: Kilmer, Williams, Campbell? It's my favorite piece of Redskins apparel, right above my T-shirt: "I am a Redskins fan and I LIKE GUS". Take that, Heath Shuler.

p.p.s. So, if you're superstitious, ya' gotta wonder. McNabb of course will be wearing jersey #5. The last person to wear it? Heath Shuler. Oy.