Well, sports fans, it's been 4 years since I've posted on this blog, and enough crap has happened since then that I'm motivated to write another screed about that motherfucker Snyder.
Under intense pressure, Snyderkins (I'll never change the name") has changed the name of the "team" to the Commanders (yick), aka The Commies, but Snyder hasn't. Do I now have to change the name of this blog to Snyder Has Ruined the Commies? Has a certain ring to it, eh? But the new name is only a few months old, so we'll hew to the status quo for now.
The mysogynistic behavior of the team management, as well as the boss himself, has finally surfaced. Congress is investigating, lawsuits have been filed, the "independent" investigations have been kept secret, etc. The brave women who suffered sexual harrassment at the hands of Commie executives have come forth with scalding testimony. And the denials of the Snyderkins continues. "Put on a Happy Face" remains their theme song.
And will the pussy owners of the NFL do anything about it? Hahaha. Never. Why? Because they are likely guilty of the same behavior, and don't want to see the dominos fall their way. They'll do anything to keep their raincoats closed.
It now comes out - unsurprisingly - that the Commies have cheated season ticket holders by hanging on to money that should have been refunded. Moreover, they have diverted revenue from unrelated concert events to the team without reporting it. The bar is continually lowered. How low can it go?
Even his co-owners have had enough, now trying to unload their shares of the team.
It's time for the do-nothing Congress to do something. Get testimony under oath. Afterwards, prosecute Snyderkins for perjury at the very least.
And the stadium in Godforsakenville remains half empty. The team continues to acquire has-beens, aka Carson Wentz, who joins a stellar string of failed QBs. Taylor Heineke could have been developed into a star, but the "win now" misbegotten attitude of "management" is, as usual, maddeningly impatient. It's gotten so I can't even name a half dozen members of the team.
I'm not the only voice against this sick franchise. Check out www.firedansnyder.org.
My son has moved to LA and become a Rams fan. The Rams are winning, and he's enjoying the ride. He told me that he gave himself 5 years to wean his allegiance from his home town team, which was very generous of him.
I think I'm moving to LA.